Greene County Missouri
Emergency Coordinator - EC:
John Wall - KØEAV
Assistant Emergency Coordinators - AECs:
Mike Hoffman - KDØIWW
Dave Burtrum - NØDF
Don Hillier - WØDCH
Monthly meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of every month, 7-8:30 pm at the American Red Cross, 1545 NW Bypass (Division & W. Bypass) Disaster Services building
Testing available remotely online @ 5:30 pm the 3rd & 4th Thursdays of each month. Contact Mike for further details and reservations:
GCARES Weekly VHF Net on the other Thursdays, at 8 pm on 147.225+ TSql 162.2
Weekly Region D UHF/VHF Net every Friday at 7:30 pm (147.225+ and others):
Mission Statement
Greene County ARES is a public service organization, consisting of licensed Amateur Radio operators living in or near Greene County, who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment to provide the communications needs for public service events and in times of emergency. Greene County ARES is dedicated to serving the communities in and around Greene County, working hand in hand with local and state governments, the American Red Cross and other non-profit and community-service organizations.
In addition to meeting in person at the AMERICAN RED CROSS, meetings are also being held virtually via ZOOM.